• I have been sorting through paperwork because it is something I can do. And I think coming across memories from times I could do was the trigger. But shredding old paper work is quite nice as I can imagine ripping people to pieces. So it is good and bad at the same time in one activity.
    I am glad I am not alone in missing abilities I had. It…[Read more]

  • Kim73 replied to the topic Want Ability Back in the forum Community Chat 9 months, 4 weeks ago

    Yes! Speaking for myself and from talking to other people I would say it’s very common to feel this, you certainly aren’t alone. I think a lot of people go through periods of accepting abilities we’ve lost and then other periods of really grieving them, and moving between those two. I know I do. Sometimes I feel like I’m really ok with not being…[Read more]

  • Does anyone else get periods of time where they just want the ability back? Where you just want to walk across the fields again? Actually walk on your legs? I seem to have days where I miss the abilities I have lost due to the shrinkage in my small brain (cerebellum). I know I will continue to loose abilities as the years progress but it is…[Read more]

  • Mel N wrote a new post 10 months ago

    Sally, our trainer, In Memoriam Last year Sally Whitney-Mitchell supported us with a module on our platform for professionals. This module was about faith and disability. Sally was […]

  • I have not yet been to look on the love lounge, but it’s definitely something worth discussing with your care agency if they are not aware of your rights and you would like support with it. Perhaps you could encourage them to read the information on the love lounge website?
    I’ve never discussed sex with my carers but I would not be surprised if…[Read more]

  • After the meeting, how many of us went to check out the love lounge?
    There is so much information and it was fascinating hearing during the meeting and on the love lounge, how many options we have.
    I will tell my care agency that they are out of touch and I have rights, right after my review!!! Lol!!! Once the next year is finalised!!! Lol!!!
    My…[Read more]

  • Yes please!!!
    I hope this becomes a regular meeting!!!
    The more the merrier!!!

  • Julie86 replied to the topic Words in the forum Community Chat 11 months, 1 week ago

    I think I am the other way. Words pour out of me. But when they come in. They take a while to make sense. It is like a puzzle. I have to figure how the word is meant. My best example is The dog rides the train or how to train the dog. Both the same spoken word and same spelt word. But both have very different meanings.
    I seem to find it harder…[Read more]

  • Kim73 replied to the topic Words in the forum Community Chat 11 months, 1 week ago

    I agree words are very complicated things. I do not like them. I am different to you in that I do know good words and bad words and I have learnt these. However, I’m not generally offended by a particular bad word, I don’t take offence to it. I do think words can hurt though – that old wives tale is not true! I don’t think that comes down to…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    Following our last session, which included a discussion about the language we use in the sessions, Chloe and I have planned to do a social zoom session on Thursday 14th March at 7 pm to 9 pm for anyone Who would like to socially chat a bit more with a more relaxed setting and less restrictions on language.

    In other words, let…[Read more]

  • Julie86 started the topic Words in the forum Community Chat 11 months, 1 week ago

    Words were the discussion topic in this week’s live event. We talked about being offended by words. How can you be offended by a word? How can a word cause you harm? The old wives tale of sticks and stones can break your bones but calling names cannot hurt you.
    Each person views words differently.
    I definitely view words differently because I…[Read more]

  • I think it is natural when we first ‘fall in love’ with someone to think of them often, especially when they are giving signals back that they like us too. It’s hard to know what to read into this message…does the person like you back or is it unrequited? What is your current relationship like? If they don’t know how you feel or you know they…[Read more]

  • Anonymous question on behalf of another member:

    I sometimes forget about family and friends because I think so much about somebody who I love. It does take over my thinking. What can help with this?

  • Sometimes messages get so mixed up! You have to wonder if they were remembering something from another patient or if they just forgot to wash their ears out that morning!!

  • I have no idea how the nurse today did this but please have a laugh!

    I told the nurse I was having difficulties with low ferritin (iron) due to inflamed large intestines, swallowing issues and a sore mouth.

    The same nurse rang back and said you need to use your emergency injection as you have had diahorrea more than six times in the day.…[Read more]

  • I’m wondering if any advocacy support would be available to someone who has 24 hour care and is finding managing that care quite a challenge.
    I’m in York and I’ve looked online but can only see the York Advocacy Hub where there is a very long wait.
    If not, is there any information anyone could recommend that might help me support my client. Many…[Read more]

  • Julie86 replied to the topic Setbacks in the forum Community Chat 12 months ago

    Thank you. That certainly gives me lot to think about.

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