• Thank you for your replies. I am hoping next time I go the chair of the meeting will ask that the word is not used.

  • Julie86 started the topic The Term "Sufferer" in the forum Community Chat 4 months ago

    I sat in a meeting on Wednesday morning about adult social care. Usually the people in the room are referred to as people who draw on social care, people with lived experience, service users, customers, clients, unpaid carers, visually impaired etc.
    For some reason on Wednesday a person in the group started calling us sufferers. Saying the…[Read more]

  • I have been sorting through paperwork because it is something I can do. And I think coming across memories from times I could do was the trigger. But shredding old paper work is quite nice as I can imagine ripping people to pieces. So it is good and bad at the same time in one activity.
    I am glad I am not alone in missing abilities I had. It…[Read more]

  • Does anyone else get periods of time where they just want the ability back? Where you just want to walk across the fields again? Actually walk on your legs? I seem to have days where I miss the abilities I have lost due to the shrinkage in my small brain (cerebellum). I know I will continue to loose abilities as the years progress but it is…[Read more]

  • Julie86 replied to the topic Words in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago

    I think I am the other way. Words pour out of me. But when they come in. They take a while to make sense. It is like a puzzle. I have to figure how the word is meant. My best example is The dog rides the train or how to train the dog. Both the same spoken word and same spelt word. But both have very different meanings.
    I seem to find it harder…[Read more]

  • Julie86 started the topic Words in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago

    Words were the discussion topic in this week’s live event. We talked about being offended by words. How can you be offended by a word? How can a word cause you harm? The old wives tale of sticks and stones can break your bones but calling names cannot hurt you.
    Each person views words differently.
    I definitely view words differently because I…[Read more]

  • I have no idea how the nurse today did this but please have a laugh!

    I told the nurse I was having difficulties with low ferritin (iron) due to inflamed large intestines, swallowing issues and a sore mouth.

    The same nurse rang back and said you need to use your emergency injection as you have had diahorrea more than six times in the day.…[Read more]

  • Julie86 replied to the topic Setbacks in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago

    Thank you. That certainly gives me lot to think about.

  • Julie86 started the topic Setbacks in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago

    In January 2024 I had quite a big physical health set back in an unexpected way. This has brought with it mental health challenges which I am finding the course material is helping me with. But I am also suffering physical health issues. I am not as sure how to deal with these and wondered if anyone in the forum had any suggestions? I am spending…[Read more]

  • Just recently it has been getting to me that social services only see my negatives. They home in and focus on my negatives. The time I sat and screamed. The time I shouted at a care worker. The time I had forgotten to write make the bed on a care plan. Social services seem to like to hold on to all your negatives like a life sentence.
    Do others…[Read more]

  • Me again, the keep your cool kit link isn’t working. Beginning to think it is my computer apologies if this is so.

  • Hello Mel, the free anger ladder link is no longer working. Do you have another link for it or apdf for it please

  • Hello Mel
    I am looking at the trauma. Section 7.7 on the videos like the falling out of the cupboard one underneath how long the video clip is? It was very short and I didn’t realise and thought my computer had issues. Could you add it is a …… clip neareaxh video?
    Sorry for not sending this as a message. I am not on my own computer. I am on a…[Read more]

  • Ok I have an adjustable bed so this can move me to different positions. But if the man is on the bottom. And I the female is on the top. What equipment is out there to ensure I stay on top of the man and do not fall or roll off him?

  • After a fun quiz thought it would be good to have a area to chat in over the next week or so. Will definitely miss the weekly sessions.

  • Julie86 started the topic Things to do in the forum Community Chat 1 year, 3 months ago

    How do people go about finding new things to do? Recently I set off to find volunteering but everytime I asked I was told I had the skills to be employed. As much as I appreciated the compliment I do not feel now is the time.
    I have now given up on volunteering at least until January. But was wondering how others go about finding new things to…[Read more]

  • Julie86 started the topic Benefits Advisors in the forum Benefits 1 year, 3 months ago

    Does anyone know where you can find Benefit Advisors?

  • On the Monday only one of us was unwell and the agreement for the unwell plans. Is we only ask for them when both are unwell.
    So on the Wednesday when we said yes please. We were both unwell.
    Do not think social workers are used to people follow agreements.

  • On Monday our social worker emailed asking if we needed our unwell plans. We said no thank you.
    On Wednesday our social worker emailed asking if we needed our unwell plans. We said yes please.
    On Friday our social worker said on Monday you said no thank you to your unwell plans but on Wednesday you said yes please. Can you confirm if you would…[Read more]

  • Julie86 started the topic Confidence in the forum Community Chat 1 year, 8 months ago

    I liked the idea of you needing other people to be able to build your confidence. Building confidence isn’t something you can do alone .
    This comment has stayed with me overnight since the session.

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