Kim73 wrote a new post 11 hours, 47 minutes ago
How Animals Can Be A Good First Start For Helping Autistic Individuals Make Friends
Guest post by Kadin McElwain At home, I have two dogs and two cats – companions who have become some of my closest friends. Initially, I was […]
Kim73 wrote a new post 1 month, 3 weeks ago
The Awesome Power of Freeze
The Awesome Power of Freeze by Luis Mojica from Holistic Life Navigation. Thank you to Katy for suggesting this blog. Yes, you read that […]
Kim73 replied to the topic The Term "Sufferer" in the forum Community Chat 4 months ago
I think this is a terrible term to use! I would not like this at all – I do not think of myself as a sufferer or suffering and I don’t think it’s something anyone should decide for another person that that is how they feel about themselves or their life. I think it shows a very negative view of disability that the person using views our lives as…[Read more]
Kim73 replied to the topic Want Ability Back in the forum Community Chat 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Yes! Speaking for myself and from talking to other people I would say it’s very common to feel this, you certainly aren’t alone. I think a lot of people go through periods of accepting abilities we’ve lost and then other periods of really grieving them, and moving between those two. I know I do. Sometimes I feel like I’m really ok with not being…[Read more]
Kim73 replied to the topic Let's talk about sex baby…… love lounge in the forum Community Chat 11 months, 3 weeks ago
I have not yet been to look on the love lounge, but it’s definitely something worth discussing with your care agency if they are not aware of your rights and you would like support with it. Perhaps you could encourage them to read the information on the love lounge website?
I’ve never discussed sex with my carers but I would not be surprised if…[Read more] -
Kim73 replied to the topic Words in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago
I agree words are very complicated things. I do not like them. I am different to you in that I do know good words and bad words and I have learnt these. However, I’m not generally offended by a particular bad word, I don’t take offence to it. I do think words can hurt though – that old wives tale is not true! I don’t think that comes down to…[Read more]
Kim73 started the topic Relationship and overthinking in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago
Anonymous question on behalf of another member:
I sometimes forget about family and friends because I think so much about somebody who I love. It does take over my thinking. What can help with this?
Kim73 replied to the topic Mix up in the forum And the 'Winner' is…NHS/government stories 1 year ago
Sometimes messages get so mixed up! You have to wonder if they were remembering something from another patient or if they just forgot to wash their ears out that morning!!
Kim73 replied to the topic Setbacks in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago
Hi Julie, your situation is quite similar to mine as I am also generally limited to staying in bed and unable to sit up for any length of time. I have periods of time where I’m able to do more but also times where like you are now I’m more restricted. To some extent, I trying struggle too much to fill my day, because by the time I’ve done all the…[Read more]
Kim73 replied to the topic Our negatives and ashamed in the forum Community Chat 1 year ago
I definitely can say I experience this too – with social services but also with medical things for me as well. I think sometimes when you have assessments (depending on the purpose of them, because you don’t want to argue yourself out of support!) it can be helpful to also make a list of things you have achieved, so you can show them positives as…[Read more]
Kim73 wrote a new post 1 year, 1 month ago
Time To Talk Day: Disabled people also need to talk about mental health
Today is Time to Talk Day and we have collaborated with Crip Life™ to jointly raise awareness of the mental health needs of disabled people. There c […]
Kim73 wrote a new post 1 year, 1 month ago
Time To Talk Day: The challenges and benefits of having care support from parents as a disabled adult
Written by Emma Purcell For many disabled adults who need full-time care, they continue to rely on their parents to carry out some or all of their […]
Kim73 replied to the topic Christmas Chat in the forum Community Chat 1 year, 2 months ago
I enjoyed it too! Thank you Mel for putting it together 😁 I’ll be around over Xmas to chat too
Kim73 wrote a new post 1 year, 3 months ago
Disability History Month 2023 – A Letter to my Younger Self
Written by Katy Evans The theme for Disability History Month 2023 is disability in childhood past, present and future. Although Spokz People works […]
Kim73 replied to the topic Wheelchair flying lessons…. in the forum Funny Stories 1 year, 6 months ago
You’re right, perhaps we should start making them! We could do some good comedy skits of what NOT to do too!!
Kim73 replied to the topic Wheelchair flying lessons…. in the forum Funny Stories 1 year, 6 months ago
You might need a horn or flashing lights as well as red bull, to warn people you are coming! My mum is quite like this when pushing me. She doesn’t look where she’s going so ends up using my legs a bit like a battering ram (I have elevated footplates so they stick out in front of me). I’m amazed that so far neither me nor anyone has been more…[Read more]
Kim73 replied to the topic Please can I have the cheese… in the forum Funny Stories 1 year, 6 months ago
They were actually all in the fridge, but I think it’s a language thing. Though the latest one just kept bringing me back the same packet of carrot sticks even when I kept saying no, so that was at least partly stupidity because she must have known it was the wrong thing even if she didn’t understand what correct thing I was asking for. Maybe she…[Read more]
Kim73 replied to the topic Aids for visual impairment in the forum Ask Ashley Anything! (Pros) 1 year, 7 months ago
Thank you for such a thorough reply! You are right that specific disabilty equipment is always so over priced. I try to find alternatives not marketed for disability that can be cheaper (for example a lot of wheelchair accessories you can find made for pushchairs or bikes much cheaper). It seems like you are lucky (or talented anyway) that you…[Read more]
Kim73 replied to the topic Self-care ideas in the forum Wellbeing Programme 1 year, 7 months ago
I really love this way of thinking about boundaries! It can be so hard to put in boundaries, especially with friends or people you are close to, but thinking of it like this really puts a different perspective on it and I think will make it a lot easier. I’m going to try thinking of it like this going forward and see if it helps me. Thank you for this!!
Kim73 started the topic Please can I have the cheese… in the forum Funny Stories 1 year, 7 months ago
My carers understanding of basic food items is…interesting!
Me: “Please can you bring me the cheese from the fridge”
Carer: Brings lettuce
Me: No, the cheese please
Carer: Brings bottle of chilli sauce
Me: No, its grated cheese, its in a packet not a bottle
Carer: Brings bottle of wine
Me: No, like a plastic packet
Carer: Brings tomato
Me:…[Read more] - Load More